• The girl behind the screen

    The woman behind the screen

    I never had much experience dating when I was younger and after I got divorced, after being with my ex for 34 years, I thought I would magically be able to find the perfect guy online. How hard could it be?? My first experiences online were unpleasant, discouraging and made me realize I had a lot to learn about online dating and I needed to learn quickly. Join me as I recall my adventures in dating: the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright gross.

  • Finding Prince Charming

    Polar Opposites – the end of the story

    I wrote many months back about what I thought was the end of the Polar Opposites guy – except it really didn’t end there. After I wrote that story in August 2023 we started up again and I saw him for another 4 months. Our story really ended in January 2024 with him telling me he didn’t see any potential for a future with me. Would have been nice if he hadn’t wasted 8 months of my life to figure that out but that’s what happened. I finally realized that once again I settled. It was never about what I wanted, it was just my old, familiar self lapping up…

  • Finding Prince Charming,  Fun in online dating,  Ghosting

    Polar Opposites – update

    In a post titled “Polar Opposites” I wrote about a guy I had started seeing; this post is the end of the opposites attract. Things were great for the first couple months and even though we were polar opposites we got along well. We had really good conversations and great chemistry. Not sure what happened but I started seeing infrequently and the communication waned. I really liked him, enjoyed being with him but realized this wasn’t working for me. It’s taking me time to figure out what I want; everyone I meet teaches me something. It took a lot to tell him it wasn’t working but its a step towards…

  • Finding Prince Charming

    Motorcycle Man

    You never know where you may meet someone. I was out with friends, doing a little day drinking. While waiting for my friends to come out of a convenient store I watched a very hot guy pull in on his motorcycle. After I watched him change his shirt I was more intrigued. My friends saw me watching him and said “well let’s go talk to him”. As I’m saying I don’t know about that my friend and I walked over said hi and that’s when my friend told motorcycle man I wanted his phone number. Wait, what? He gave me his number, we hung out for the rest of the…

  • Fun in online dating

    Polar Opposites

    Do opposites really attract? Recently met a guy on-line, first date went really well, great conversation and very hot kiss to end the date. We’ve been hanging out for about a month, things are going well but we are polar opposites in a few areas: He’s a gym guy, I’m not (but I love his hot body!). He doesn’t drink and is a homebody. I drink and love to go out with friends, listen to live music, go out to dinner. He hikes, I sit by the pool (and drink). There’s more but it got me thinking do opposites really attract? It’s always good to have separate interests so maybe…

  • Finding Prince Charming,  Fun in online dating

    Dating Apps…Again

    Haven’t written in a while, not since the “new dude” broke up with me in October. It took a while but I dusted myself off and got back on a dating app; matched with a guy right before Christmas. Super sweet, respectful, nice. I was unbelievably comfortable with him on the first date, had three more dates the first week after meeting; each one was better than the one before. It’s now April and we are still talking – so what’s the problem you ask? He’s works a bazillion hours a week and fits me in every now and then. Half of the people I know think this is a…

  • Finding Prince Charming

    Dude, where are you??

    I keep hoping there’s an awesome guy out there who can’t wait to meet me. But how will he find me? Everyone has an opinion on where to or where to not meet someone. You can’t someone in a bar, you won’t meet anyone on-line. You need a hobby – take up hiking or golf. I don’t believe there is one perfect place to meet someone. I’ve met people in bars, on-line, in airports, etc. One of my favorite lines is “prince charming isn’t just going to knock on my door.” I was talking to a couple last weekend and when I asked how they met, the husband said, “I…

  • Finding Prince Charming

    The new dude

    I wrote a story about a guy I met while I was waiting for a date. He was the one who said he hoped my date that night went badly so he could date me. Well, he got his wish. We started seeing each other slowly, both of us agreed getting into a relationship was scary as hell. Even though I was nervous, I took a chance because there was something about this guy I liked. Fast forward two months; he was communicating less frequently and was a little distant in text messages. I knew what was coming and sure enough, he called me and said he wasn’t going to…

  • Finding Prince Charming

    Being alone

    I’m in a new city where I don’t know anyone. I love my new hometown and wouldn’t go back for anything but sometimes its lonely and dating is tough. I can’t get set up with a friend of a friend, so I have to create opportunities to meet someone. I usually push myself to do something at least once a week, whether that is going out by myself, talking to people at my apartment complex or joining meet up groups. I’m trying to keep the faith I’m going to meet that guy. The one I don’t see coming, the one who sees my worth, amazes me with how nice he…

  • Going on dates

    Be Safe

    Dating in your 50’s can be fun, exciting, frustrating and sometimes scary. This story is about remembering to take safety seriously. I’m comfortable going out by myself for dinner or a drink; my friends always tell me to be careful. Recently I was out grabbing dinner, met a guy and we got to talking. He was cute, fun and we got along well. He asked if I wanted to do a little bar hopping in the area (everything was in walking distance) and I agreed. We had a few drinks and lots of laughs. At some point, I realized he was indulging in a “substance” and immediately told him our…

  • Say What????

    To Each his own – cont’d

    Fetishes are interesting and it seems like some men have a fetish of some sort. I recently wrote about a guy who had a fetish about wearing nylons. That wasn’t for me, so I wished him well and moved on. Another guy I met online commented that one of my profile pictures was “very sexy.” He then asked me if I was wearing a watch in the picture. Sort of an odd question but I answered yes, I was wearing a watch in that picture and added that while I sometimes wear a watch, 99% of the time I wear a Fitbit. He responded that he has a fetish for…