Going on dates

Be Safe

Dating in your 50’s can be fun, exciting, frustrating and sometimes scary. This story is about remembering to take safety seriously.

I’m comfortable going out by myself for dinner or a drink; my friends always tell me to be careful.

Recently I was out grabbing dinner, met a guy and we got to talking. He was cute, fun and we got along well. He asked if I wanted to do a little bar hopping in the area (everything was in walking distance) and I agreed. We had a few drinks and lots of laughs.

At some point, I realized he was indulging in a “substance” and immediately told him our time together was done. He tried to convince me otherwise, but I stood firm and removed myself from the situation.

Going out and meeting people can be fun, but you may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. I was lucky the person I met respected my request to leave me alone. Please remember to have fun dating, but please also remember to be aware of your surroundings and remove yourself from the situation if you feel uncomfortable.


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