Finding Prince Charming,  Fun in online dating

Dating Apps…Again

Haven’t written in a while, not since the “new dude” broke up with me in October. It took a while but I dusted myself off and got back on a dating app; matched with a guy right before Christmas. Super sweet, respectful, nice. I was unbelievably comfortable with him on the first date, had three more dates the first week after meeting; each one was better than the one before.

It’s now April and we are still talking – so what’s the problem you ask? He’s works a bazillion hours a week and fits me in every now and then. Half of the people I know think this is a great relationship – I can do what I want whenever I want and still see him. The other half (which is in the camp I reside) is it’s not enough. After my breakup in October I didn’t think I could do a relationship and just saw a few guys here and then. Now, I meet a guy that I could date but as usual, he hooks me in and now I’m lucky if I see him twice a month. Do I break it off? Do I put up with never seeing him? Decisions, decisions.

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