Fun in online dating

What do you want?

If you knew their intentions from the start, it would save you a lot of time and heartache later


This quote says it all. Why is it every guy seems to want a quick fuck and nothing else? Doesn’t anyone date anymore? It would be so much easier if everyone had a stamp on their forehead and you knew what they were looking for vs. what they tell. And how about things guys say in the moment. I don’t they intentionally say things they don’t mean, maybe I just have to realize that’s all it is – in the moment.

Lately I’ve been asking myself if there is something wrong with me. Years of being married to someone who was incapable of showing me he loved me has made me jaded and feel I’m unworthy of being loved.

I know it’s not true, I have a lot to offer someone. There’s always that thought in my head with everyone I meet that chooses someone other than me that there is something wrong with me and I bet there are others out there that feel the same way.

One Comment

  • FullDisclosure-Married

    Why can’t dating be more like buying shoes!
    Like the way they look? Check
    Look good on? Check
    Comfortable? Nope, next pair please

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